20 June 2014

Kip Curry met Tofu en Ei (Kare Ayam dengan Tahu dan Telur)

Your Kitchen My Kitchen
Kip Curry met Tofu en Ei (NL)
Chicken Curry with Tofu and Egg (English)
Kare Ayam dengan Tahu dan Telur (Indonesia)
Chicken Curry Materials:

- Chicken 800-1000 gr- 100 gr Tofu (cut into triangles and fried)
- 10 eggs (boiled)
- 3 tablespoons cooking oil
- 2 cm cinnamon
- 2 stalks lemongrass, take the whiteness, crushed
- 700 ml thin coconut milk
- 1 tsp salt
- 125 ml thick coconut milk
- 10 grains of red onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 6 pieces of red chilli
- 2 cm ginger
- 4 items hazelnut (kemiri)
- 5 cm turmeric
- 1sdm coriander
- 1 tsp cumin
- Coconut ¼

How to Make Chicken Curry:
1. The first thing you should do is cut the chicken in a medium-size just depends on your taste.
Then you prepare the frying pan and pour the oil over medium heat,
then you saute red pepper, cinnamon, and lemongrass until fragrant.
Then you add the seasoning herbs and spices that have been prepared earlier
and mix well for about 3 minutes.

2. After all the seasoning mix evenly, then you enter the chicken pieces into it.
Chicken Stir until all ingredients evenly and wait until the chicken gets chicken looks stiff.
And after terlihlat stiff cock, and then you enter the watery coconut milk and a little salt.
And you wait until the chicken becomes tender and the seasoning looks slightly thickened more or less you have to wait for 30 minutes, and do not forget for you to cover the skillet.

3. If the chicken already feels soft, then you add Tofu, Eggs and the thick coconut milk and cook again while you stir for about 2 to 3 minutes until the water boils.
And Kare Chicken Condensed you are ready to serve at your dinner table.

Good Luck

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