30 June 2014

Oreo Chocolate Truffels (No Bake)

OCT sudah saya modifikasi dengan DDL
Saya punya 2 kaleng DDL dan sangat kental,
jadi pas sekali untuk bikin OCT
Resep dasar OCT itu sendiri lembut dan rasa chocolate sekali.
Karena tidak suka begitu manis, akhirnya saya tambahkan ke regal dan Oreo.
Juga saya tambahkan Almond atau kacang Mete.
Oreo Chocolate Truffels by Lynda Maitimu
according to my version:

- 100 gr Oreo, puree
- 100 g Biscuits regal, puree
- 100 gr Almond rough mashed
- 50 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
- 50 ounces white chocolate, coarsely chopped
- Dulce de Leche 100 gr or to taste
- Rum to taste (skip if you don't want)

- 200 gr dark chokolate
- 200 g white chocolate
melted chocolate and set aside in a separate place,

Complementary / topping:
 - Different colors meises
- Decorative sugar
- Decorative candy
- Cashew nuts
- Chocolate powder, etc.

- 100 gr Oreo, haluskan sekalian dengan ceam-nya
- 100 gr Regal biskuit, haluskan
- 100 gr Almond, cincang kasar
- white dan dark chocolate (terpisah), lelehkan/tim
- 100 gr DDL atau sesuai selera
- Rum secukupnya jika suka.
How to Make it:
1. Puree Oreos and set aside.
2. Puree Regal, set aside.
3. Roughly chop the almonds that have been toasted, set aside
4. Separately mix Oreo, almonds, chopped chocolate and ddI,
stir until smooth and then round according to glue the desired size.
5. Similarly for Regal mixture, almonds, chocolate and ddI did the same thing,
until exhausted.
6. Slightly melt the dark chocolate and white back and ready to dip the Oreo sphere and the Regal.
7. Having dipped into chocolate, immediately sprinkle with meises, and decorative sugar
thereafter until the dough runs out.
8. More easy it is for the better in the sphere disposable toothpick puncture
(See picture below)
9. Finally able to input into the refrigerator approximately 1 hour duration or more.
10. Remove from the refrigerator if you want to serve.
Image left: Oreo, almonds, dark chocolate and ddI, stir and round.
Do the same was done for Regal Biscuit ...
Picture middle: in melted chocolate ready.
Image right: input into the refrigerator.


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