02 July 2014

Sorbet Strawberry+Raspberry (version LMT)

(This Fruit from my little garden)
This is a very delicious sorbet strawberry and raspberry.
Sorbet is the perfect dessert for hot sunny days.
This strawberry sorbet is made with fresh in season strawberry and raspberry,
this Strawberry and raspberry from my little garden.
If you have an ice cream maker, very simply pour the prepared mixture into the pan, you can
follow the manufacturer's instruction.
If you don't have ice maker, so my method involves a second use of a blender
or food processor to ensure a smooth sorbet.

- 100 gr strawberry
- 100 gr raspberry
- 100 gr yoghurt plain
- 100 ml fullcream sweetened condensed milk (SKM)
- 100 ml water
- 2 tlsp lemon juice
- 4 tlsp meizena
1. Cut a thin layer of strawberry and raspberry, set aside.
2. Put all the ingredients one by one.
3. And ready fo the puree, you can also use a blender or dood processor.
4. If it's smooth then ready for input into the container and give a few slice of the fruit, and put into vrieser.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia:


- 100 gr strawberry
- 100 gr raspberry
- 100 gr yoghurt
- 100 ml SKM
- 100 ml air
-  2 sdt juice lemon
- 4 sdt meizena

Caranya sangat mudah sekali:
1. potong buah tipis2, sisikan.
2. Masukan semua bahan-bahan yang di butuhkan satu persatu.
3. Dan siap untuk di haluskan, bisa mempergunakan blender atau food processor.
4. Jika sudah halus, siap di masukan ke dalam wadah dan taburi beberapa potongan dari buah tersebut.
5. Dan siap di masukan ke dalam vrieser.
GOOD LUCK and ENJOY My version Sorbet (LMT)

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