14 February 2014

Oreo-Style CheeseCake (Valentine's Day)

Oreo-Style CheeseCake chef Lynda Maitimu
Allrecipes video cookbook
Original recipe New York-Style Cheesecake
The recipe has been modifeid by Lynda Maitimu
Oreo-Style CheeseCake

- 3 tablespoons melted butter
- 15 pcs Oreo, crushed
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoons cappuccino extract
- 220 gr sour cream
- 250 gr (packages) cream cheese
- 4 tablespoons white sugar
- 4 tablespoons milk
- 3 eggs
- 1 teaspoons finely grated lemon+orange zest

1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees C
2. Lightly grease the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan.
3. Mix Oreo crumbs and melted butter in a bowl until evenly moistened.
Press crumb mixture into the bottom and about 1/2-inch up the sides of the springform pan.
4. Whisk flour, sour cream and cappuccino extract ij bowl. Set aside.
5. Stir cream cheese and sugar with a wooden spoon in a large bowl until evemly incorporated, 3-5 minutes.
6. Pour milk into cream cheese mixture and whisk until just combined.
7. Whisk in eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each eddition.
8. Pour mixture into prepared springform pan.
9. Bake in the preheated oven until the edges have nicely puffed and thesurface of teh cheesecake in firm except for a small spot in the center that will jiggle when the pan is gently shaken, about 1 hour.
10. When the cheesecake is done. The prevents any cracks from forming on the top of the cheesecake.
Resep Oreo-Style CheeseCake Modifikasi by chef LM,
yang sudah di tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Lynda Maitimu.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan:

- 3 sdm butter/margarine, lelehkan

- 15 stuk Oreo, hancurkan
- 3 sdm tepung terigu
- 1 sdm cappuccino extract (bisa di skip)
- 220 gr cream asam
- 250 gr cream cheese
- 4 sdm gula pasir
- 4 sdm susu cair
- 3 butir telur
- 1 sdt lemon+orange parut/butir

Cara Membuatnya:
1. Panaskan ovent dengan temperatur 175 derajat C.
2. Olesi Loyang Bulat diameter 20cm dengan margarin dan taburi dengan terigu.
3. Hancurkan Oreo dan beri margarine cair, campur sampai rata.
Masukan Oreo dalam loyang dan tekan sampai ketinggian yang anda inginkan, sisihkan.
4. Kocok cream asam, tepung terigu dan cappuccino extraxt sampai halus, sisihkan (no mixer)
5. Kocok cream cheese, gula pasir sampai rata dan halus, masukan kembali telur satu persatu bergantian susu cair dan masukan juga adonan cream asam sampai habis. Semua diaduk dengan mempergunakan whisk (no mixer).
7. Terakhir masukan parutan lemon dan orange, aduk sampai semuanya merata benar.
8 Masukan adonan dalam loyang, banting-banting perlahan loyangnya agar adonan tidak ada udara yang masuk/bergembung.
9. Siap di oven, kira-kira lamanya 1 jam. Angkat dan dinginkan.
Setelah dingin siap disajikan dengan toping yang anda inginkan.


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