30 June 2014

Oreo Chocolate Truffels (No Bake)

OCT sudah saya modifikasi dengan DDL
Saya punya 2 kaleng DDL dan sangat kental,
jadi pas sekali untuk bikin OCT
Resep dasar OCT itu sendiri lembut dan rasa chocolate sekali.
Karena tidak suka begitu manis, akhirnya saya tambahkan ke regal dan Oreo.
Juga saya tambahkan Almond atau kacang Mete.
Oreo Chocolate Truffels by Lynda Maitimu
according to my version:

- 100 gr Oreo, puree
- 100 g Biscuits regal, puree
- 100 gr Almond rough mashed
- 50 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
- 50 ounces white chocolate, coarsely chopped
- Dulce de Leche 100 gr or to taste
- Rum to taste (skip if you don't want)

- 200 gr dark chokolate
- 200 g white chocolate
melted chocolate and set aside in a separate place,

Complementary / topping:
 - Different colors meises
- Decorative sugar
- Decorative candy
- Cashew nuts
- Chocolate powder, etc.

- 100 gr Oreo, haluskan sekalian dengan ceam-nya
- 100 gr Regal biskuit, haluskan
- 100 gr Almond, cincang kasar
- white dan dark chocolate (terpisah), lelehkan/tim
- 100 gr DDL atau sesuai selera
- Rum secukupnya jika suka.
How to Make it:
1. Puree Oreos and set aside.
2. Puree Regal, set aside.
3. Roughly chop the almonds that have been toasted, set aside
4. Separately mix Oreo, almonds, chopped chocolate and ddI,
stir until smooth and then round according to glue the desired size.
5. Similarly for Regal mixture, almonds, chocolate and ddI did the same thing,
until exhausted.
6. Slightly melt the dark chocolate and white back and ready to dip the Oreo sphere and the Regal.
7. Having dipped into chocolate, immediately sprinkle with meises, and decorative sugar
thereafter until the dough runs out.
8. More easy it is for the better in the sphere disposable toothpick puncture
(See picture below)
9. Finally able to input into the refrigerator approximately 1 hour duration or more.
10. Remove from the refrigerator if you want to serve.
Image left: Oreo, almonds, dark chocolate and ddI, stir and round.
Do the same was done for Regal Biscuit ...
Picture middle: in melted chocolate ready.
Image right: input into the refrigerator.


Fried Chicken yellow spice (Ayam Goreng Bumbu Kuning)

Fried Chicken yellow spice
1 kg Chicken, cut into several parts
STC 2 bay leaves
350 ml water
Subtle seasoning:
8 grains of red onion
4 cloves garlic
5 grains hezelnut / hazelnut
3 cm turmeric
 1 cm ginger
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp sour java
1tsp brown sugar
2 tsp salt
1 stalk lemon grass
Place the chicken in the pan, put the spices, bay leaves, and pour water and stir until blended. 
cook until the chicken is cooked and the water shrink, elevator. 
Fry in hot oil until golden brown and dry. 
lifts and Serve .

Sambal Madame Jeanette (Surinaamse Pepers)

(baca: Madam Syanet)
Ini sambalnya orang Suriname di NL,
hanya saja sudah saya modifikasi seperti sambal Indonesia.
Pedesnya tetap tinggal di lidah kita walau sudah beberapa saat.
Ntah kenapa saya suka sekali sambal ini.
Cabenya saya simpan di vrieser, jadi tidak selalu fresh buah cabenya,
saya kalau beli cabe tidak sedikit maklum belanja ke pasar mungkin bisa 1-2 kali dalam sebulan.
Resep Sambal Madame Jeanette:

Bahan yang dibutuhkan:

- 4 buah bawang merah ukuran besar
- 10 buah bawang putih ukuran besar
- 1 sdm cuka
- 1 sdt citroen
- garam dan gula secukupnya
- minyak goreng secukupnya
- 5 buah cabe madame jeanette

Cara membuatnya:
Hampir sama dengan membuat sambal Indonesia, haluskan semua bahan sampai halus.
Bisa mempergunakan staf mixer atau blender.
Setelah halus masak sampai matang.
Hhhhhmmm pedasnya terasa sekali...
Ini dia bentuk cabe orang suriname...pedes banget loh.


27 June 2014

L U P I S a la REAL Kitchen NL (Indonesian Recipe)

L U P I S (Indonesian Recipe) a la REAL Kitchen NL
TRY an TRIAL, akhirnya mendapatkan resep yang pas di lidah kami sekeluarga.
Sudah beberapa kali bikin...hasilnya selalu memuaskan.
Dan akhirnya mendapatkan resep dari coba-mencoba di dapur, dan resep saya yang ini pas sekali.
Sekali bikin harus banyak biar bisa simpan di vrieser, jika sekali waktu kangen dengan Lupis ini
tinggal ambil saja di vrieser dan tinggal masukan magnetronw/mikrowave...simple kan?
( Ik Hou van Indonesische Culinaire)
Resepnya simple sekali...ini resep dari uji coba saya beberapa kali di dapur,
akhirnya resep ini pas sekali buat lidah kami sekeluarga.

Bahan-bahan yang di butuhkan:
- 500 gr beras ketan
- daun pisang secukupnya
- 1/2 sdt kapur sirih
- garam secukupnya
- kelapa muda parut beri garam dan kukus sebentar saja, sisihkan
- 250 gr gula merah
- 2 lembar daun pandan (ikat simpul)
- air secukupnya untuk melarutkan saus gula merahnya
- tusuk lidi atau tali (untuk mengikat atau menyematkan daun)

Cara Membuat Saus Gula Merah:
- masak/rebus gula merah, daun pandan sampai kental dan beri sedikit air secukupnya.
Setelah agak kenatal saring dan sisihkan.

Cara Membuat Lupisnya:
1. Rendam beras ketan selama kurang lebih 1 jam.
2. Setelah 1 jam saring dan siap untuk di bentuk pada daun.
3. Bentuk segitiga daun pisang dan masukan beras ketan secukupnya dan
lipat mengikuti arah lipatan segitiga, hati-hati agar daun tidak sobek.
4. Dan sedikit menekan/memadatkan lipatan tersebut, setelahnya bisa di ikat pakai tali atau sematkan lidi.
5. Lakukan sampai beras ketan habis, masak air 3/4 bagian dari panci...lalu rebus dan masukan kapur sirih.
6. Setelah air sudah mendidih masukan satu persatu lupis tersebut, masak kurang lebih 1-2 jam atau sampai matang
7. Dan jika ingin disajikan lupis tersebut buka daun pembungusnya dan lumuri/gulingkan pada kelapa parut.
8. Lupis siap untuk di sajikan dengan saun gula merahnya.


25 June 2014

Sponge Cake Spekkoek Mocca

SPONGE CAKE Spekkoek Mocca
Cakenya lembut sekali walau sudah lebih dari sehari.
Sponge Cake ini saya bikin dengan 2 rasa, yaitu:
Spekkoek dan Mocca
(Sponge Cake Dasar NCC)
Resepnya Mudah sekali, hampir sama pada umumnya Sponge Cake lainnya.
Hanya saja saya variasi dengan 2 rasa.

7 telur ayam
150 gr gula pasir
200 gr tepung terigu
1 sdt Ovalet
100 ml minyak goreng
1 sdt bubuk spekkoek
2 tetes pasta mocca
Loyang bulat ukuran 20cm-24cm
Di rumah kami cake yang berbau spekkoek bisa bertahan harumnya sampai beberapa hari.
Walau cakenya sudah habis tetap saja harum spekkoek masih bertahan.
Oleh sebab itu saya sering mencampur spekkoek pada cake yang saya bikin.

Cara Membuatnya:
1. Kocok telur, gula dan Ovalet sampai mengembang/kental.
2. Masukan terigu sambil di aduk rata perlahan, dengan sistem putar balik.
3. Masukan minyak dan bagi adonan mendadi 2 bagian atau sesuai selera.
4. Tuang adonan satu titik dan tuang kembali adonan lain di satu titik yang sama,
sampai adonan habis.
5. Siap di panggang/oven sampai kecoklatan atau kurang lebih 30-45 menit.


20 June 2014

Kip Curry met Tofu en Ei (Kare Ayam dengan Tahu dan Telur)

Your Kitchen My Kitchen
Kip Curry met Tofu en Ei (NL)
Chicken Curry with Tofu and Egg (English)
Kare Ayam dengan Tahu dan Telur (Indonesia)
Chicken Curry Materials:

- Chicken 800-1000 gr- 100 gr Tofu (cut into triangles and fried)
- 10 eggs (boiled)
- 3 tablespoons cooking oil
- 2 cm cinnamon
- 2 stalks lemongrass, take the whiteness, crushed
- 700 ml thin coconut milk
- 1 tsp salt
- 125 ml thick coconut milk
- 10 grains of red onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 6 pieces of red chilli
- 2 cm ginger
- 4 items hazelnut (kemiri)
- 5 cm turmeric
- 1sdm coriander
- 1 tsp cumin
- Coconut ¼

How to Make Chicken Curry:
1. The first thing you should do is cut the chicken in a medium-size just depends on your taste.
Then you prepare the frying pan and pour the oil over medium heat,
then you saute red pepper, cinnamon, and lemongrass until fragrant.
Then you add the seasoning herbs and spices that have been prepared earlier
and mix well for about 3 minutes.

2. After all the seasoning mix evenly, then you enter the chicken pieces into it.
Chicken Stir until all ingredients evenly and wait until the chicken gets chicken looks stiff.
And after terlihlat stiff cock, and then you enter the watery coconut milk and a little salt.
And you wait until the chicken becomes tender and the seasoning looks slightly thickened more or less you have to wait for 30 minutes, and do not forget for you to cover the skillet.

3. If the chicken already feels soft, then you add Tofu, Eggs and the thick coconut milk and cook again while you stir for about 2 to 3 minutes until the water boils.
And Kare Chicken Condensed you are ready to serve at your dinner table.

Good Luck

16 June 2014

Macaroni Schotel Cup a la REAL Kitchen NL

Macaroni Schotel Sweet Corn and Sausage
Actually really simple recipe, my husband really love macaroni schotel.
Want to know the recipe for our version (REAL Kitchen NL)
My Food Photography
The materials:

- 500 grams of macaroni

- 300 gr of ground beef
- 100 gr sausage
- 100 grams of sweet corn
- 500 ml milk
- 1 cup cream fraiche
- 2 eggs
- 2 blocks maggy stuk
- To taste olive oil for sauteing
- 500 gr grated cheese, or to taste (for mix and sprinkles)
- 3 medium sized onion, finely sliced
- Salt, to taste paper
- Cup heat resistant aluminum or container.
How to Make it:

1. Boil macaroni until cooked, with salt + olive oil to taste, strain and drain.

2. Sauté sliced ​​onions until fragrant, then enter the cook ground beef until half cooked,
3. Feedback macaroni, milk, cream fraiche into meat stir until blended.
4. Feedback sausage, sweet corn, salt, peper and maggy dam stir ... cook about 10min.
5. Finally enter 100 gr grated cheese stir and drain.
6. Put macaroni into the aluminum cup, give some beaten egg and spoon
sprinkle it with grated cheese and bake in the oven ready.
Approximately 15-20 minutes.
And ready to serve with chili sauce in a jar or mayonnaise.


11 June 2014

Mie Udon Tom Yam Goong

Mie Udon TomYam Goong a la Me
Suka sama Mie Jepang ini, ntah kenapa kok terpikir di padukan dengan Tom Yam?
Ternyata enak sekali...mau coba? Ayooo bikin...
Simple sekali buatnya, mie udon siap pakai bisa beli di supermarket.
Nah bumbu Tom Yam ini yang harus kita buat:

PREPARE:500 gr Udon Noodle
1500 cc (6 Glasses) water
500 gr  straw mushrooms/champignon
500 gr peeled prawns,, tails remain intact or marinara mix (fish, squids, shell fish)
100 gr crab sticks
100 gr fish balls

3 tbs lime juice
3 tbs fish sauce
1 tbs chili paste
4 kaffir lime leaves
2 tomatoes diced
2 stalks lemongrassm, thinly sliced
(blend the spices: garlic, red chillies, tamarind, sugar, salt, galangal)
Additional material (prepare into a bowl):
Calery leaves, coriander leaves, fish soy sauce

Cooking Direction:
1. Add Water, mushrooms and seasoning puree (garlic etc), and other ingredients into wide -base saucepan.
Cook over low flame for 15 minutes, stir occasionally until boilling.
2. Add prawns, crab sticks, fish balls, boil again.
Turn off the stove, leave for 5 minutes in a covered pan.
3. Scoop Tom Yam soup + Mie Udon in a bowl containing additional material,
add in some lime juice into it (optional)
4. Ready to serves...

Happy Cooking...